Miniature Earth Project |
According to the US Census Bureau's World population clock, there are approximately 6,974,924,065
people living on this planet we call home. For me, this is a number that is truly hard to put into perspective. Our planet is filled with such rich diversity; nationalities, religious beliefs, cultures, socioeconomic statuses, living conditions, etc. A Miniature Earth puts many of these things into a perspective I can comprehend.
It deeply saddens me that within this community of 100, forty-three people live without basic sanitation and 18 live without an improved water source. I don't know about you...but these are two things I've always had the luxury of enjoying. It is hard to fathom not having those two items. I want to find a way to alleviate these problems.
I am truly appreciative of the things I am fortunate to have. Now the goal is to do the best for the rest of the world. Will you join me in making our world a better place for all???? Little changes can make a big difference.
Thanks for sharing! This looks very cool I am going to have to check out the full video!
Man oh man. If this doesn't put things in to perspective, I don't know what will. It literally makes my heart ache to think Americans only exist as 8% of the population and use 20% of the resources. We also have this pompous attitude about how much we are worth when, really, we are a minority!
Something just really is not right with this picture.
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