Friday, December 16, 2011

:: Share N Voice :: Wrapping Dilemma ::

Merry Christmas!
How are you wrapping presents this year?

As this is our last Share-N-Voice posting of the semester, I'd like to start by wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. With Christmas being just a week away, I've still got shopping to finish and wrapping to do; groceries to purchase and food to prepare; a house to clean and miles to travel. 

The wrapping of presents is a daunting task for me. First off, I am always particular about the type of wrapping paper I purchase. Normally, I pick several different patterns, but they all have similar colors (except for Santa paper...Santa wraps in a totally different style/color paper in our house). I like to have a variety under my tree. One color is rather boring in my opinion. Secondly, I tend to go over-board purchasing presents for Christmas, which makes wrapping sessions tremendously long. I need oodles of wrapping paper, tape, boxes, tissue paper, time, patience, Christmas tunes and something hot to drink while spending hours upon hours wrapping all the presents.

Here's the bummer part.....I spend hours wrapping everything and in just a few short seconds, the wrapping paper has been ripped off and is laying all over the floor. While it is fun to watch the little kids that celebrate with us rip into their presents, it's a total waste of paper. We pick all the crumpled and shredded pieces of wrapping paper up and throw it in the garbage. It isn't something that is readily recyclable. Sure paper decomposes, but what effects do the decorative dyes have on the environment?

SOOOOOOOOOOO....this is where I need your help!!! I would really love if you could suggest some wrapping suggestions that don't require wrapping paper, tissue paper, tape, boxes, etc. I think I would not only save a small fortune from not purchasing wrapping paper, but I would also be helping the environment. I'd really like to keep this as minimalist and environmental friendly as possible, yet fun not only for me, but also for the one who is receiving the present at the same time.

Please post ideas and photos in the comment area below.