Wednesday, October 19, 2011

:: Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change : Week 4 Update ::

Photo from Say No To Plastics
Another week with my SMART goal of using reusable bags at least three times a week when shopping at the grocery store or discount stores such as Wal-Mart and Target continues to go well. When I started with this goal, I certainly thought I shopped at least three times a week. Maybe it's because I've been so busy that I am only getting out once or twice, but I don't think I've made it to the stores more than twice a week.

A few different shopping situations did present themselves to me this week however. LATE Saturday night, I made a trip to Wal-Mart for the purpose of purchasing light bulbs for the nightlights in our house. Knowing that light bulbs was all I needed, I did not bring in one of my reusable bags. Once in the store, I discovered a few more items that I needed.  To the check-out counter I went with my seven items. I felt I already had enough reusable bags, so I opted to not purchase another one. Instead, I simply asked the girl at the check-out to not put my items in a plastic bag. I informed her that I was on a plastic bag strike. She looked at me and kind of chuckled, but allowed me to just carry my items out in my hands. In another shopping excursion, this time to Bed, Bath and Beyond...the lady at the checkout asked if I needed a bag for my newly purchased sheets. Again, I told her of my plastic bag strike and walked out with my sheets in my hand.

It's such a good feeling to know that I am making a small difference due to the fact that I'm not using plastic bags that could eventually become pollutants. Next weeks challenge will be to continue to keep up the work that I have already started. I've gotten in a routine of using them and throwing them back in the truck. I'm also learning that even when I have just a few items, I don't need a bag of any sort to carry my items in. I do have hands that are just as capable. They say it takes three weeks to start a new habit...I think I'm finally getting it!!! WOOT!!! WOOT!!!!! =)